Unleash Your Dogs Potential: Getting in TTouch with Your Canine Friend (DVD)

ISBN: 9781570763380
Format: DVD

Book Details

Highly acclaimed animal expert, Linda Tellington — Jones, renowned for her groundbreaking TTouch bodywork with all animals, now offers a video specifically for dogs. The Tellington TTouch Method offers a way to effectively influence the behavior and character of dogs, as well as their willingness and ability to learn. Unlike many training programs that rely on dominance and submission, the focus here is on instilling self — confidence and mutual respect. The Tellington TTouch Method is currently being used by dog owners, trainers, breeders, and veterinarians, as well as in animal shelters around the world. Using a combination of specific TTouches, Leading Exercises, and the Confidence Course (exercises over obstacles), a dog’s performance and health is improved, common behavior issues are solved, and physical problems are positively influenced.

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