Unconventional Routes: Around the World from Boardrooms to Backpacks

ISBN: 9781835740354
Format: PB
Publisher: The Book Guild Ltd
Release Date: September, 2024

Book Details

Being a businesswoman on a whirlwind tour of forty-three countries is no ordinary adventure.

Unconventional Routes takes you on a wild ride, offering a glimpse into the highs and lows of global exploration. Fasten your seatbelt and prepare to embark on a journey that will have you laughing, cringing, and gasping at the absurdities of Gillian Fawcett’s encounters around the world.

No two journeys were ever alike. Each possesses its own unique flavour, seasoned with a generous blend of incidents ranging from side-splitting hilarity to spine-tingling unease, and at times, hair-raising danger. It’s a never-ending game of travel roulette, where the next destination holds the mystery of what adventure awaits.

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