Five Plays

ISBN: 9781803131399
Format: P
Publisher: Matador Publishing
Origin: United Kingdom
Release Date: February, 2024

Book Details

A collection of plays, written over many years, which take a fresh look at old problems. The subjects of the plays run from the difficulties of a messy divorce from a child’s point of view, to mourning the loss of a long term partner, to negotiating writers’ block. They all represent, in different ways, the internal monologue of a central character. There are a number of important non-speaking parts, mime being a significant method of communication when language fails. The plays also include clowning and slapstick, mirroring how clumsily we sometimes express ourselves and highlighting the more ridiculous aspects of our behaviour. One of the plays, The Muse Sneezes, was selected to be part of the curriculum at a Swiss College and later was invited to be performed by the Arts Committee of St John’s of Oxford University. The names of the characters from the plays give some idea of the plays’ quirkiness. There is Big Hat, The Muse, Presto, Clown, Hercules and Ig. They all play a part in projecting the oddity, both tragic and comic, of everyday life.

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