Cold Coffee in Asmara

ISBN: 9781916668300
Format: P
Publisher: The Book Guild
Origin: United Kingdom
Release Date: March, 2024

Book Details

When traumatised aid worker John Cousins arrives in north-east Africa he hopes to find a sense of personal peace among a gentle people rebuilding their lives following a bitter and prolonged war. In Eritrea he begins to forget his own emotional pain and lay to rest the ghosts of his previous mission in Pakistan. Will the work with fellow aid worker and nurse Hannah Johnson help heal the scars? And what is the secret of her own past?

Cold Coffee in Asmara is a story of personal loss, redemption and love set against a backdrop of humanitarian work in a remote corner of the world where African, Arab and European influences collide.





Author Biography: 

Andrew Goss is a former print journalist, overseas aid worker and humanitarian reporter. His work has led him to travel across Europe, Africa and South Asia. His new novel, Cold Coffee in Asmara, is set in Eritrea, north-east Africa, following its protracted war with Ethiopia and is the second in a planned trilogy focusing on some of the world’s poorest communities. He lives in Leicester with his partner Claire, a nurse and former aid worker.

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