Gemima, Speedy, Pauli Peanuts and Other Visitations from Ray Muggles

ISBN: 9781805140658
Format: P
Publisher: Matador Publishing
Origin: United Kingdom
Release Date: February, 2024

Book Details

Gemima, Speedy, Pauli Peanuts and Other Visitations from Ray Muggles is a unique collection of short stories that span different decades and continents and are vivid jagged tales that pay homage to the weird and strange world of us all. The stories explore diverse and dark themes, such as, racism, old age and the outsider in society. “stwap ‘im to an electric chair and put a million volts thruw ‘im” – Fred Kray “reed diz buk and I’ll whack ya!” – Paulie Peanuts “I prefer Col, Columbo boy!” – Speedy

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