Railway Breakdown Cranes

ISBN: 9781906419691
Format: Hardback, 300 Pages

Book Details

Peter Tatlow provides readers a concise and detailed history of Railway Breakdown Cranes in
There are few railway subjects which have not been published in detail in recent years. One
however, is that of Breakdown Cranes. Possibly this omission is in part due to the technical
nature of the subject and as such the ideal person to compile such a work would
be an engineer.
Such is the case now with this new work by respected railway author and former BR Civil
Engineer, Peter Tatlow. In what will build into a two-volume history, Peter has taken the
subject from its early days through the time of the short-jib cranes to more recent history and
the introduction and use of the long-jib variant. Even so, many of the older types continued in
use well into the late 20th century.
As well as descriptive and informative text, included are numerous photographs and scale
plans. Illustrations of breakdown cranes in both static and working mode complete what will
become the this standard work of reference on the subject.

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