Great Western Aspects

ISBN: 9781909328303
Format: Paperback, 112 Pages

Book Details

Books on the Great Western Railway abound but once in a while something new comes along which is the result of original research, using new material which had perhaps been hoarded for decades or maybe was simply not accessible until now.

Great Western Aspects is just such a book, with 112 pages of new information and imagery on aspects of the GWR not often seen and identified. For example, it is not well known that in the early twentieth century, the GWR could well have been the first exponent of the mobile telephone (even if it was the size of a suitcase and strapped to the rear of a ganger’s inspection trolley!). The building of the railway, the style of carriage saloons, a major feature on the maintenance of the permanent way, accidents at Loughor in South Wales and Slough and even what happens when a signal box burns down – all this and more is covered.

Great Western Aspects is a fresh portrayal of one of Britain’s favourite railways and describes how the company were experimenting with new ideas as well as dealing with the existing infrastructure. It will find a richly deserved place on the book shelves of any GWR enthusiast, railway historian or modeller.




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