In this book, Jutta Wiemers describes 100 ‘smart’ games through which you can achieve a perfect partnership with your horse. The games are progressive and range from simple leading and lungeing, through to circus tricks (curtseying, kneeling, lying down or sitting on command, Spanish walk, and even the Hungarian post). Along the way there are other fun-packed games involving balance, sure-footedness, agility and confidence building. All the proposed games are beneficial to the horse – they will keep his body healthy, while his mind is stimulated. The training suggested is sometimes ambitious but always playful, and performed entirely without pressure. Hundreds of illustrations (drawn by the author) clarify the sequence of training steps and detail the required body language of the trainer. Training your horse with these games will open a gate to your horse’s soul and change your relationship with him forever. For his part, your horse will become self-confident, happy and very dependable.