ISBN: 9781570767357
Format: DVD

Book Details

Better jumping in 5 minutes a day! Start or end your riding sessions with Wendy Murdoch’s 5-Minute Fixes. Transform what you can’t do to what you can do. You’ll be amazed how quickly you can replace bad habits with good ones!

In this DVD, learn Wendy’s favorite solutions for a better position over fences, how to perform them safely and correctly, as well as how and why each Fix works. The following Fixes from Wendy’s book 40 5-Minute Jumping Fixes are included:

  • Fix 7: Locate Your Hip Joints from the Front
  • Fix 8: Find Your Hip Joints from the Side and Below
  • Fix 9: Locate Your Hip Joints from the Back
  • Fix 12: Position Your Leg for a Solid Base of Support
  • Fix 17: Weight the Inside Edge of Your Stirrups
  • Fix 21: Ground Your Foot for Good Support
  • Fix 24: Slide Your Shoulder Blades Back
  • Fix 25: Look Up By Nodding at Your Poll

Plus: Bringing it all together so you’re more secure in the saddle before, during, and after every jump.

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