Klaus Balkenhol – Success with Sympathetic Hands

ISBN: 9783940810137
Format: Hardcover

Book Details

Riding Modern Dressage according to the classical theory allows us to work with a horse without strayingfar from its natural behaviour. Respecting the horse’s animal instincts and bettering the horse’s health are what stand at the forefront of this work. Klaus Balkenhol’s experience in the saddle as well as his experience as a trainer of riders and horses, is mirrored in this book and gives the reader an authentic set of guidelines.

“Grand Prix horses are not born they are made” – Klaus Balkenhol

This book accompanies the development of a horse from youngster to grand Prix level, along with its rider. Whether one is working on the paces, the half halt or the seat and effectiveness of the rider, dressage must always be seen as multi-dimensional and never merely as the performance of a specific set of movements. Appropriate photos with clear descriptions open a visual world that leads the reader through the various dimensions of the sport of dressage.

Photographs by Jacques Toffi, Forward by Guenter Seidel

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